Sandalwood – Fragrance from Beyond

The name Sandal (wood) is derived from the Sanskrit “chandana” meaning “white, bright like the moon, fragrant”. Sandalwood belongs to the Santalaceae family of the genus Santalum. Santalum album oil (Indian Sandalwood) represents the highest quality of all Sandalwood oils. Other oils derived from the genus Santalum are Santalum spicatum (Australian Sandalwood), Santalum paniculatum (Hawaiian…

CYPRESS – the green flame to Heaven

The Cypress with its botanical name Cupressus sempervirens – is a perennial evergreen (lat. “sempervirens”) tall tree, cone-shaped growing to a height of 25-45 meters. The name “Cypress” appears in many plants of the Cupressaceae (Cypress family). Most of the plants belonging to this family are from the genus “Cupressus” and “Chamaecyparis”, but also the…

Cajeput – Air in Action – Moving the inner Winds

Cajeput oil (Melaleuca leucadendron) stems from the distillation of the fresh leaves of a beautiful strong tree with a bark resembling the bark of the Birch tree. It grows wild or cultivated in South East Asia, but also in India and Northern Australia. The oil is produced all year long with help of rural mobile…

Cedar – an Oil to Rise in Vitality and Strength

Like the Rose is regarded as the queen within the flower kingdom the Cedar can be called the king among the conifers. With its roots well fastened into the earth and its crown high stretching to the sky, the tree represents the majestic power of Mother Nature. Cedars can grow up to 50 m high,…

Yarrow – A Thousand Leaves, A Thousand Cures

Yarrow, with its botanical name Achillea millefolium, is a perennial medicinal plant popular throughout Europe. The Latin name goes back to the Trojan hero Achilles who came to Troy in search of the king of the Mysians, Thelephos. He injured Telephpos on the thigh, and healed the wound with a medicinal plant, which was later…

Ginger – An Ancient Universal Healer

The name Ginger stems from the Sanskrit word “shringan” meaning “horn of a dear”. It refers to the special form of the Ginger rhizomes which have been used in Asian cooking and medicine over thousands of years. Ginger has abundantly been used since old in the Ayurvedic kitchen of India. Confuzius has already praised the virtues…

Eucalyptus Globulus and Radiata – Giving New Breath for Life

Airy and light, refreshing outside, warming inside, a mighty oxygenizer drying out dampness and cold, Eucalyptus means freedom, vitality, and space beyond boundaries. Its energy is rhythmic like “moving winds on the top of mighty trees”, and conveys a potential to spread, to create, to nourish, to absorb, to enjoy. Eucalyptus’ colour is green, bluish…

Conifer essential oils: powerful pillars of light

We are already heading towards winter… Temperatures are falling, the days are becoming shorter and the trees in the forest are loosing their leaves. But one family of majestic trees is still showing signs of strength. They are standing tall, strong and evergreen rising high into the sky as if the growing cold is their true element….