Cardamom – Healthy Breathing, Healthy Feeding

Cardamom is a perennial plant and grows up to 2-3 metres in height. It has white flowers with reddish stripes in the centre. The fruit capsules (pods) grow near the ground and contain the seeds which are used as spice. They are gathered before they are ripe to prevent bursting during the drying process which would…

Sleeping Problems and some Natural and Aromatic Approaches

Sleeplessness or insomnia is a major problem in our modern, stressful society. Millions and millions of people all over the world suffer from it. Our hectic life style in a modern society with constant demands for better and faster performances, the global media connectedness, disharmonious day and night rythms in general etc. have also left…

Lemon Balm – Healing with Angel Wings

Balm or Lemon-Balm was introduced to the monastic gardens in Europe by Charlemagne in the early 9th century. The plant had been known for its sedative, anti-depressive as well as carminative effects long before. Due to its fresh lemony fragrance Balm was also called Cedronella. The botanical name Melissa (greek for “honey bee”) indicates the…

The Artemisia Oils – Aromatic Challengers and Benefactors, Part 1

The genus “Artemisia” belongs to the Asteraceae family – the “star blossomers” (lat. “aster” = star), so called because of the star-like structure of their blossoms. It was also called before the “composite” or “daisy” plant family. “Composite” because of their special way to compose their flowers in a circular group together, giving the impression…

Depression, Anxiety, Stress and some Aromatherapy Solutions

Depression is something mysterious, enigmatic – it is like an accident, something that seems fatal and which hits when we do not even think that it could be us who are the victims this time. And no solution seems to work – although big Pharma sells anti-depressants for billions of Euros in the world today….

Ginger – An Ancient Universal Healer

The name Ginger stems from the Sanskrit word “shringan” meaning “horn of a dear”. It refers to the special form of the Ginger rhizomes which have been used in Asian cooking and medicine over thousands of years. Ginger has abundantly been used since old in the Ayurvedic kitchen of India. Confuzius has already praised the virtues…

Aroma Massage for Immunity, Energy and Joy

Aromatherapy has made a strong contribution over the last decades for a better understanding of the power of medicinal plants. At the same time it has given us access to a new form of “energy medicine” which means nothing less than helping us to understand the more subtle implications of health and disease. And this…

Man and Plants – An Ancient Alliance

Yes, Man and Plants….. It is such an old story. It goes back hundreds of thousands of years. It is actually a love story of man with Nature and its subtle energies. And it is a story of the collective heart of us humans and its relation with the Universal Spirit. Plants remind us that…

Black Cumin – One of the Most Successful Natural Remedies of the Past Decade

Black Cumin or with its Latin name Nigella Sativa belongs to the crowfoot plant family (Ranunculaceae). In Arabic the plant is named Habbah-al baraka which means ‘seed of blessing’, often also called “the miracle herb from heaven”. This high reputation explains why Black Cumin has an almost four thousand years old history in the Orient….

Smelling – The Gift of Mother Earth

Wondrous sense of smell Olfaction, smelling, fragrances have always been something like an enigma in the understanding of our 5 senses. Smell is the only sense with a direct access to the brain, say the scientists. And Ayurveda, the age-old healing science of India describes smell as being linked to the Earth element, the heaviest…