Neem – The sacred tree of Ayurveda

The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is a tropical evergreen tree native to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma. It belongs to the plant family of the Meliaceae related to the Mahagony tree. It is a fast growing tree that can reach a height of up to 35-40 metres. Its leaves have a very bitter taste, whereas…

Ginger – An Ancient Universal Healer

The name Ginger stems from the Sanskrit word “shringan” meaning “horn of a dear”. It refers to the special form of the Ginger rhizomes which have been used in Asian cooking and medicine over thousands of years. Ginger has abundantly been used since old in the Ayurvedic kitchen of India. Confuzius has already praised the virtues…

Man and Plants – An Ancient Alliance

Yes, Man and Plants….. It is such an old story. It goes back hundreds of thousands of years. It is actually a love story of man with Nature and its subtle energies. And it is a story of the collective heart of us humans and its relation with the Universal Spirit. Plants remind us that…