NIAOULI – breathe and protect with motherly care

The name “Niaouli” is derived from Nyelayu, a New Caledonian language, translated into Niaouli in French. The botanical name is Melaleuca viridiflora or Melaleuca quinquenervia, commonly known as Niaouli or “broad-leaved paperbark”. The genus name “Melaleuca” means “black and white” – referring to the colour of the bark which resembles the bark of the birch…

Aromatic Reflections for Moments of Crisis – Part 2

We do not need to re-invent the wheel. We just have to deepen our knowledge of Nature and combine her age-old defense mechanisms with our modern scientific approach. Essential oils are Sun-Light messengers. With their poly-molecular bio-chemical outfit they have developed as allies of interaction inside Nature herself in a kind of challenge and response…

Ginger – An Ancient Universal Healer

The name Ginger stems from the Sanskrit word “shringan” meaning “horn of a dear”. It refers to the special form of the Ginger rhizomes which have been used in Asian cooking and medicine over thousands of years. Ginger has abundantly been used since old in the Ayurvedic kitchen of India. Confuzius has already praised the virtues…

Eucalyptus Globulus and Radiata – Giving New Breath for Life

Airy and light, refreshing outside, warming inside, a mighty oxygenizer drying out dampness and cold, Eucalyptus means freedom, vitality, and space beyond boundaries. Its energy is rhythmic like “moving winds on the top of mighty trees”, and conveys a potential to spread, to create, to nourish, to absorb, to enjoy. Eucalyptus’ colour is green, bluish…